Our Story
American Cake Decorating - the magazineAmerican Cake Decorating magazine (ACD) is an educational and inspirational resource for students, professionals and serious enthusiasts that want to improve their skills. Much more than cake decorating, ACD offers an array of information in each issue that covers ingredients, new products and techniques for pastry chefs and sugar artists as well.
ACD brings you success stories at all levels—bakeries, pastry chefs, chocolatiers and cake designers. We explore and analyze how and why these amazing professionals have become so successful to motivate and inspire you. Our Test Kitchen and Sweet Science columns explain the nuances of products and ingredients. The detailed tutorials in each issue show you techniques for your next creation. Each issue is full of amazing photos from competitions around the world to add to your idea portfolios.
Now ACD is available as an app on ITunes—check out American Cake Decorating where additional content and live instructions add to your experience.
ACD is your must-have resource! Visit our website,
AmericanCakeDecorating.com, sign up for our monthly newsletter, SLICE, our weekly Tidbits and check out our new digital app!